Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Night Bubble Photo Shoot

Gotta love the Canon SD780 for all its amazing features....long exposure fill flash and fireworks!!
Maya and Shep Farrally Plourde July 4th 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Colleen at RED

Yet another fantastic journey into exploring new lighting with a fantastic model. Her skin became the concept. Colleen is 15 years old and stunning.
Kim Weber behind gorgous make-up AND hair! Shhhh...her hidden expertise is to
remain a secret...
As per tradition, our evening ended with red wine at the Hilton with the NAACP convention and hot secret service men. The icing on the cake...


Custom piece by David Villorente for my copy of Piecebook!!!!! LOVE the pink drippy outline! Brilliant attention to detail in this book... the cover alone, the ink bleeding through the pages, blank pages left for other graffiti artists to work on, detail down to the smell of it. This book features the establishing artists from the inception of graffiti and is reproduced beautifully.

This book is inspiring a really elaborate collaborative multimedia project...I'm gaining clarity. here