So I realize its been a while since I've blogged, but life has become hectic with shooting, updates, appointments, new work, website redesigns (stay tuned) pre-production, post production, occasionally both simultaneously, running, retouching, networking and occasionally socializing. The frenzied social networking of last year has been put on hold, as I've come to realize only with direct phone calls will I make contact and book jobs.
So here is my update!
I have had the luck and pleasure of reconnecting with my very first agent ever, James Taylor, from 2002! I have signed with Marnie Rose Agency and he is once again my agent as well as Marnie and Janessa. I'm really happy and I feel like I'm in a really good, healthy, drama free, stable environment. That was my big wish for 2010. Stability.
In the very same week I was also put on the roster of Studio D- Hearst. It took almost a year of testing, learning new software, workshops, and studying and finally that too is official.
Since then I have shot my first job for Seventeen and I'm on hold for another.
I have also signed with Corbis for creative stock and spent a day shooting exciting manicured nails with food and medical related concepts. I was very lucky to have my girl Honey give up here entire Sunday for me as well as my friend and food connoiseur Jonathan, who became the food prop stylist.
I will be updating my website shortly so keep checking back in for new work and updates!!!!